“Copyright: Bane or Boon to my Profession”

Copyright is the exclusive right given to the creator of a creative work to reproduce the work, usually for a limited time. The creative work may be in a literary, artistic, educational, or musical form. Copyright is intended to protect the original expression of an idea in the form of a creative work, but not the idea itself. It is very important tool for Photojournalist. Because sometimes photojournalist click at their life risk. So that picture might be very important for him. But at this time of technology and social media everyone can get and use that picture. Only because of copyright, photographer can claim. Copyright can give the photographer to claim and prove their right. There are two types of rights:
• Economical right: This is the right by which photographer can claim money if anyone or any organization use their photo. Or they can sell their photo to other.
• Moral right: This law will help to claim non-financial benefits. Like the photo may know by the photographer’s name. Nobody can use the same photo without using the photographer name.
So the copyright may stand for “fair use”. The photographer may get their deserving credit only because of copyright. It is also ensuring the photographer works security. It is not only for the photographer but also for the subject. Because it is the responsibility of the photographer that the protect the subject’s reputation as well as security.
So, this law is undoubtedly essential in the field of photography profession.
Zabed Hasnain Chowdhury (Anando)
Photojournalist and Documentary Photographer Based in Bangladesh.
Student of Diploma in Visual Journalism
The Asian Center for Journalism at the Ateneo de Manila University